PFU - Lessons
From Professor No Poop Fairy and the team at PFU, take a look below for a great deal of information that will help you keep our water systems clean and healthy. Let's begin with Stormwater 101!
Illicit Discharge
It sounds intimidating, but illicit discharge refers to anything that isn't rainfall or snowmelt that enters a stormwater system. This could be soapy wash water from a car washed near the street, to someone pouring paint or other harmful materials directly into a storm drain. Continue your lesson to learn how to identify an illicit discharge, and how to report it.
Time to Tackle NaCl
Chloride (salt) is extremely toxic to aquatic life, and salt concentrations in our freshwater lakes, rivers and streams are on the rise. It only takes one tablespoon of salt to permanently contaminate five gallons of water. Keep reading to learn how to help prevent this pollution issue!
Homeowner Guide
Sometimes you just need a guide to tell you the do's, the how's, the why's, and more about aligning your homeownership with green infrastructure and managing stormwater. Here is that guide!
Stormwater 101
Welcome to your first lesson! Here, we'll dive into the wonderful resource that stormwater is, the role it plays in public safety, and just how easy it is to keep it clean and pollution free. Let's begin!
It's Your Doo-ty!
Dog poop ruins more than just moods, shoes, and views. Even if it's "just one poop", it'll continue to release harmful bacteria and excess nutrients into our swimming, fishing, and drinking water every time it rains. Do your DOO-ty! There's No Poop Fairy to do it for you. Continue this lesson to learn more!
Treat Yourself to a Car Wash
You deserve it. Your car deserves it. But the watershed doesn't deserve to be polluted in the process. Remember, your street is directly connected to local lakes and streams by the stormwater system. Would you wash your car in Lake Superior?
Fall Leaves & Healthy Streams
Don't blow it this fall! Fall leaves and other organic yard debris can actually harm lakes, streams, and their aquatic inhabitants if they enter street storm drains, and ultimately our waterways. Keep reading to learn more about this slimy pollution issue, and how easy it is to prevent it.
A Can with a Plan
The last thing you want to do is become an unintentional litterer. Spilled garbage from tipped and overflowing bins is one of the most common causes of stormwater pollution. Once in the street, garbage heads straight for local lakes and streams. Continue your lesson to learn how to prevent this pollution issue! Do you have a plan for your trash can?